2024 Impact Report
Dear Friends,
As Elevate to Even+ immerses itself in our summer 2024 placements, the energy is palpable. Witnessing our exceptional students secure terrific opportunities that promise growth, development, and readiness for their future is both exciting and inspiring.
While the horizon shines brightly with promise, we also find immense pride in reflecting on our accomplishments thus far. Amidst our forward-thinking planning, we've paused to celebrate the impact we've made in 2023:
We achieved our highest number of intern placements to date - 56!
Our students gained formative, transformative experiences
We forged stronger partnerships with talent sources and hosts
The ranks of our supporters swelled impressively
Our students and their mentors gave us a 97%+ satisfaction score
You can delve into the details of our 2023 Impact Report, now available here.
We remain profoundly grateful to everyone who contributes to our mission. To all our partners, financial supporters, and cheerleaders, your unwavering support fuels our journey, and for that, we extend our heartfelt thanks.
And to our intern alumni, we couldn’t be more proud of you and more excited for your futures.
Warm regards,
Andrew Walker
Founder and President